I code things
I have been building websites, applications, and other web stuff since 1999, including front-end development, back-end development, database design, social media integration, and HTML email while working in a range of academia, start-ups, corporate, and non-profit work environments.
I make photographs
Over the last couple of years, I took a break from web work to pursue a focus on photography. Most of the images I post are landscapes from Atlanta's parks, but I also love the sky bridges and hotel architecture downtown. I currently shoot with an old Sony a6000 but thinking about Olympus for my next. I contribute photos to google maps as a google local guide.
My photos on Google Maps have over 6M views. Prints are available upon request. A few images are available to license at Shutterstock.
I make art
I think of myself as a creative. I love playing music. I usually play the guitar or drums, but I'll attempt to play along with any instrument available — especially if there's someone else around to play with. I try to make a habit of drawing every day. I've mostly drawn with technical pens, but I recently slipped into the world of brush pens and dip pens, and I'm completely hooked on making new kinds of marks. Also, I have been learning how to paint. I've still very new at it, and I'm certainly doing it wrong. But painting, especially with watercolors, has quickly turned into one of my favorite things.
Elsewhere on the web
Twitter: @brxdlxy
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/brxdlxy
Facebook: facebook.com/huchteman
Instagram: @brxdlxy
Github: @brxdlxy
Flickr: flickr.com/photos/sypsyn
About this Site
This site is powered by Eleventy with the Hylia Starter Kit theme and hosted at Netlify.